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Honoring The Resilience And Strength

World Refugee Day: Inspiring Quotes and Slogans

Honoring the Resilience and Strength

Whether you seek to commemorate World Refugee Day or advocate for humanitarian causes, these impactful quotes will stir your soul. Join us on June 20th to celebrate the indomitable spirit of refugees around the globe.

Catchy Slogans

Our slogans will ignite your passion: "Refugees: Strength Amidst Adversity" "Every Refugee Has a Story Worth Hearing" "Humanity Knows No Borders"

Inspiring Quotes

"Refugees carry the keys to their homes in their hearts." - Randa Farah

"I have seen refugees who have lost everything they own, but they have still managed to keep their hope alive." - Angelina Jolie

"We are all refugees in the end. We are all looking for a place to belong." - Salman Rushdie
